Over a thousand attended the dedication to Porspect Park and the statue of Roger Williams in 1939

in 1939, over a thousand people attended the dedication of Prospect Park and the statue of Roger Williams.

The hirelings ministry none of Christs, or, A discourse touching the propagating the Gospel of Christ Jesus humbly presented to such pious and honourable hands whom the present debate thereof concerns by Roger Williams.

These demands that Roger made of Christians are listed in some of the editions right on the first page, but other editions, have these as a long list all in one paragraph,

Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683.
“….In this Discourse are briefly touched these Particulars.
  • 1. THe Nationall and Parishional Constitution of Churches, is found to be the Grand Idoll of the Nation.

  • 2. The inforcing of the Nation to such a constituti∣on, is the greatest soul oppression in this Nation.

  • 3. The Hireling Ministrie attending upon such assemblies or others, is none of the ministrie of Christ Iesus.

  • 4. The Universities of the Nation, as subordinate and subservi∣ent to such ministries and Churches, are none of the Institutions of Christ Iesus.

  • 5. It is the absolute duty of the civil state to set free the souls of all men from that so long oppressing yoake of such ministries and churches. Yet

  • 6. Ought the Nation and every person in it, be permitted to see with its own eyes, and to make free choice of what worship and mi∣nistrie, and maintenance they please, whether parochial or other∣wise?

  • 7. The Apostolical Commission▪ and ministrie is long since inter∣rupted and discontinued. Yet

  • 8. Ever since the beast Antichrist rose, the Lord hath stirred up the ministrie of Prophesie, who must continue their witness, and pro∣phesie until their witness be finished, and slaughters probably neer approching accomplished,

  • 9. The provocation of the holy eyes is great in all courts through∣out the Nation, by millions of legal oaths, which if not redressed, may yet be a fire kindled from his Iealousie; who will not hold him guiltless which taketh his name in vain.

  • 10. The free permitting of the consciences and meetings of conscion∣able and faithful people throughout the Nation, and the free permission of the Nation to frequent such assemblies, will be one of the principal. Meanes and expedients (as the present state of Christianity stands) for the propagating and spreading of the Gospel of the Son of God…..”